Same Me

New Lifestyle

As we approach into November, and begin to close out the year, most people are beginning to prepare for Christmas and the festive period.  It’s such an important time for so many of us, and a time that requires quite a bit of planning and preparation.

Santa letters are starting to be wrote months in advance, office work parties are booked well in advance.  Christmas shopping begins after Halloween, the Christmas ads start on TV, the lights are turned on in town, decorations are put up, the stock piling of sweets and mince pies begins, and we’re not even in December at this stage. 

Then its ordering the Turkey, organising different get-togethers, hosting parties, wrapping gifts, the big shop, cooking the Christmas dinner, sorting different activities over the holidays, and then planning the new year celebrations.

So much planning and preparation, to make sure that everyone has a fun holiday together.

And then...

New Year

New Me

And then when all the festivities are over, decorations taken down, the last of the Quality Street are ate, bottles of beer and wine polished off, and work clothes are no longer fitting, it’s time to reverse the damage.

With no planning, no preparation and very little thought given to it, many people set out armed with their New Years Resolutions, trying to completely change their lifestyle and reverse all the festive damage in a matter of weeks.

It’s amazing how much time, effort and expense that people will put into preparing for Christmas, a 2 week holiday.  

But when it comes to their health, fitness and lifestyle for a whole year, very little thought and preparation is given.

And this is the main reason why all the best intentions and resolutions for each New Year, most often ends in failure.

While the rest of the fitness world promotes 6 week run up to Christmas challenges, where you lose 2lbs in 6 weeks, and then gain it back in 6 days over Christmas, Maxx Life are more interested in helping people change their lifestyles for the rest of their lives.

Same Me

New Lifestyle

If you really want to completely change your health, fitness, lifestyle and waistline in 2024, and not just have another re-run of failed New Year Resolutions, then the preparation must begin now.

There is so much more to creating a new healthy lifestyle for yourself, than just starting to exercise and eating smaller portions of food.  Actually, this approach will almost always end in failure.

How To Create A New Healthy Lifestyle For Yourself!

Step 1:

Point A, your current starting position.  Recognise where you are now.   How healthy or unhealthy is your lifestyle.  Think about your unhealthy habits.  Know what areas of your lifestyle that you would like to improve or change.  

Step 2:

Point B, where you would like to get to.  Think about where you would like to be in a years time.  Imagine what a healthy lifestyle would look like for you, and your family.  Think about any goals your would like to achieve.

Step 3:

Create a plan to get you and your family, from Point A to Point B. Take time to get your mindset prepared.  Then take action working towards a new healthy lifestyle for yourself and your family. 

We're Here to Help

Our Passion

Is Your Health

Our members healthy lifestyles is what drives our passion, and our business.  We want our members joining Maxx Life, and really making it a part of their life, and their family life.

Everyone joins the gym for some reason, some good intention for themselves.  And when they quit, it’s because they never achieved the goal they set out to achieve.

No one joins a gym to quit, but many people end up quitting.  

We want to put an end to this.  We want to use our knowledge and experience from over the past 8 years, to help you succeed with your health and fitness goals.  Your New Year Resolutions for 2024 and years to come.

We want to teach you a few simple things that will drastically improve your chances of creating that new lifestyle for yourself, and changing your life once and for all.

Your Goals Are Possible!

The photos below are just a very small snippet of the many member transformations we’ve had in our Ignite55 Challenges.  If these members can achieve these transformations in 8 weeks, imagine what you could achieve in the whole of 2024.


Is your health and fitness important to you?

Does it deserve as much time and effort planning as Christmas 2023?

Are you willing to put some time and effort into preparing for 2024 now, and start creating a new healthy lifestyle for yourself and your family?

If Yes

We Want To Help You!

We’ve created a form for all our members to fill in, that will help give us an idea of where you are, Point A, and where you want to get to, Point B.

Then we are going to teach you the best way to get yourself from where you are now, to where you want to be by this time next year.

Are You Ready To SMASH