Membership Update
Notice to our members about your gym membership.
Currently all Maxx Life memberships are paused, and have been paused since 22nd December 2020.
With lockdown restrictions being lifted, gyms are permitted to open from Friday 23rd April, for individual training and personal training.
Indoor fitness classes are permitted to start from the 24th May.
Any member with a Maxx Life Standard membership, will be contacted on Monday 26th April, to confirm whether they would like to un-pause their membership.
Maxx Life Gold Memberships will remain paused until the indoor classes start, in a months time.
Outdoor Fitness Classes Costs
We are starting fitness classes on Monday, from out new outdoor training facility, near to our gym.
Fitness Classes cost £5 each, or we are offering a Monthly Pass for £30, payable in cash only at your first class. The monthly pass includes access to 1 class per day, for the month. You may attend additional classes on any day, for £5 each.
Gold Membership
All our Gold Member will be contacted shortly before the 24th May, to confirm if they would like to unpause their membership. No memberships will be unpaused without the members consent.
If you have any questions about membership, please feel free to contact Anto on 07774088033 or Facebook Messenger.