What exactly is “Your Family Gym”?
MAXX LIFE “Your Family Gym”, is the tagline on our company logo.
But what does it mean?
For us, our tag line perfectly describes the type of gym we are for our members.
We’re a Friendly gym! We work hard to keep the atmosphere in Maxx Life, fun and friendly. We interact with our members, have fun with them, and actively encourage them to interact with other members.
Were a Non-Competitive gym. We encourage our members to train hard, give it there all. But we don’t compete our members against each other. We understand that everyone is at a different stage of their own health and fitness journey, and many of our members would not benefit from competing against others. Life can be tough enough to compete against regarding health and fitness, especially when your just getting started.

We’re a Family Gym. We love seeing family and friends exercising together. Couples, sisters, brothers, mothers and daughters, father and sons, best friends. Exercising together is such a fantastic way to spend time together, strengthening your muscles and your bond.
We’re a kid-friendly gym. Kids of all ages are welcome into Maxx Life. And there is nothing we love to see more than young kids taking part in our classes with their parents. Health and fitness for our kids has never been as important as it is now. Our kids are growing up in what is probably the most unhealthy time in history for people. One of our goals at Maxx life, is to ensure that people with young kids are still able to attend the gym without hassle for their regular exercise. And that kids who attend the gym, can get fit and healthy themselves, and not just have to watch their parents sweat it out by themselves.
And lastly, “Your” Family Gym. We’re a gym for our members. For the people who walk through our door, week in, week out. The very people who create the atmosphere in Maxx Life. Who keep it fun and friendly. Who train with their family and friends. Who bring their kids along. The people who bring a positive vibe to the gym. Who don’t compete, but instead, love to see others doing great, bettering themselves and achieving their goals.