Summer Challenge 2022

Weekly Tracker

Below is the weekly tracker form for the Summer Challenge 2022.  It works very simply.  After each day you visit the gym, record the type of workout and the date and time.  If you are going to the gym for your own workout, it’s important that you enter your pin into the door entry system, as this allows us to cross-reference it.  For Fitness Classes and PT’s, we can reference our booking systems.

Once you’ve completed your 2 or 3 visits for the week, simply submit the form and it will clear itself, ready for the next week.

Important:  Visits/workouts must be on separate days to count.  You must complete 3 workouts per week for 6 of the 9 weeks over summer, to qualify for the main draw.  And you must complete 2 workouts for 6 weeks of the 9 weeks over summer, to qualify for the secondary draw.

You’ll find full details of the Summer Challenge 2022 here.