Maxx Life is a Family Gym. We welcome and encourage our parent members to bring their kids with them to the gym.
We understand that for many parents, it can be difficult to attend the gym on a regular basis, when they first need to arrange someone to mind their kids.
Many of our trainers have kids, and we face the same difficulties, especially when the kids are off school etc.
We also understand that it is just as important for our kids, especially older kids, to exercise regularly, keeping themselves fit and healthy. In our modern world of smart phones, tablets and Netflix, it’s more important now than it ever was, for people of all ages to get moving and be active.
At Maxx Life, we try and involve kids as much as possible.

In our Fitness Class Schedule, there are 38 classes per week that kids can join into. That’s over half our classes. Just look for the yellow kid icon, to see which classes are kid friendly.
Classes such as Spin are perfect for kids who are tall enough to use the bike correctly. In BootCamps and Tabatas, we can usually accommodate kids of all sizes into most exercises, and provide lighter weights were necessary. It’s great to see kids training with their parents in these classes, and full families exercising together.
We have a fantastically popular All Ages Bootcamp on a Thursday afternoon and Sunday morning which is full of kids working out with their parents.
We also have sofas for kids to sit on, and WiFi for connecting tablets or phones too.
All in all, we do try our best to accommodate parents bringing their kids to the Maxx Life.

To ensure everyone has a safe and enjoyable time at Maxx Life Gym we have put the following guidelines in place regarding children attending the gym. Please read them carefully.
Using the Gym Without a Parent
The term “kids” is maybe not applicable here, as they are probably more like Young Adults. So for the sake of this rule, we’ll refer to them as members.
Members must be aged 15 and over to use the gym without a parent on the premises.
Kids in the Weights Area
Members must be aged 15 and over to use the weights area in the gym.
This is the area downstairs with the black rubber floor, where all the heavier weight lifting equipment is.
For kids under the age of 15, it is not recommended to lift weights or put too much heavy strain on the body. A kids bones only fully fuse between the ages of 14-16, and are still growing up to the ages of 16-18. Training with heavier weights too young can actually cause damage to the skeletal system, with long-term issues down the line.
Light weights like the ones we use in classes, as well as high intensity exercises, are the best for kids 14 and under. Even if training for a sport, kids should be focusing on fitness, stamina, speed, endurance, mobility, flexibility, agility and explosiveness. Strength training is not recommended at this age.
Kids Using The Gym With Parents
Where a parent is present in the gym, the following rules must be adhered to;
Kids must be aged 12 and over to go upstairs without their parents.
Only Active Members, including kids, may use any of the equipment in the gym.
Kids must be aged 15 and over to use the Stairmaster. Please note, the Stairmaster can be a dangerous piece of equipment if not used correctly, and should be used with caution by all users.
Kids must be 12 and over to use the cardio equipment upstairs from 5pm to 7pm weekdays.
Please note, many people may view a treadmill as safe for their kids, however they are only one button press away from changing the speed to 12km an hour and will get thrown off.
Kids Working Out Alongside Their Parents
Kids under 12 can workout on the cardio equipment upstairs (excluding the Stair Master) when ALL the following conditions are all met:
1. The kid has an active membership, either as part of a Family Membership or as an Under 16 Membership, or they have paid for an U16 PAYG pass.
2. The parent is next to their kid, whether standing or using an adjacent piece of equipment.
3. The gym is not busy, and there is plenty of equipment available.
4. The kid is the correct height to use the equipment safely.
5. The parent instructs their kid on how to use the equipment properly and safely.
6. The parent understands that they are fully responsibly for their kid.
It is important that parents follow all the above rules, and act responsibility to ensure that their own kids are safe while in the gym.
Memberships & Fees for Kids
Fitness Classes
Fitness Classes are by far, the best way to get your kids involved with exercising. There’s nothing better than spending some fun time working out in an exercise class with your kids. Therefore, we have priced our Fitness Classes for kids as fair as we can.
Kids Fit Class – This is a free class for all kids, as long as a parent is an active member.
Primary School Kids – If your kid is in primary school, there is no charge. Just bring them along and let them join in beside you. They won’t be able to do all of the exercises, but we’ll get them moving as much as possible. There is no need to book them in, except in the case of Spin (please see below).
16 and Under – If your kid is 16 or under, then they will need to book into any classes, and pay a small fee. You will need to register an account on our booking system for each kid, to book them into any classes. You can add your kids to your account, in your Profile, and control all their bookings from there.

We’ve created a special Fitness Class bundle for secondary school kids, £10 cash for 5 fitness class credits. You can purchase the bundle in the gym and we can add it to your kids account.
Under 18 – For kids 16 and 17 years, we have a 5 class pass for £15. Again, this can be bought in cash. There is a 2 month expiry on the classes, so plenty of time to use them.
Gym Session Pass
A Gym Session Pass gives you access to all the gym equipment for 1 session. Gym session passes are only available to 12 year olds and over.
We have 2 Gym session pass prices.
16 and Over – £9.50 per session pass
Under 16’s – £5 per session pass
Both can be purchased online.
Monthly Memberships
For kids, we have 2 monthly membership options.
Family Membership and Under 16 Additional Member.

Family Membership
Our Family membership for £72 /mth, includes 2 adults and kids 18 and under, all from the same household. It gives all members on the membership, full Gold access, so Unlimited Fitness Classes and Gym. If you have a few older kids and they are attending regularly, you may find this option better value. If both adults are at the gym, this option is almost always better value.
Under 16 Additional Member
This membership allows a parent member to purchase a 1 month membership pass for their kid, if they are aged under 16. This membership must be purchased in cash, and prices at £15/mth per kid. This gives the kid full Gold access.
Parents Responsibility
It’s important that parents understand that their kids are their full responsibility when in the gym. All our trainers are fully focused in the PT sessions or fitness classes that they are instructing, and have no responsibility to look after any kids.
Parents may only bring their kids to the gym on the understanding that they are wholly responsible for them.
To Conclude
Being able to bring your kids to your gym with you, is a completely new concept really. We don’t know another gym that would allow it in the same capacity as Maxx Life. It does add a whole new dimension to Maxx Life, and makes it the fun family friendly gym that it is.
We feel however that it is vitally important to provide all this information above to parents, so that they understand firstly what is expected of them as parents, and secondly, the limitations regarding kids in the gym.
If you are a parent member at Maxx Life, or thinking of joining, and have any queries at all regarding bringing your kids to the gym, please feel free to either speak to us in the gym, or contact us using the WhatsApp link below, or any other contact you have.