
Rebuild Your Body

Take The


Get a Clear Starting Point

Set Your Goals

Track Your Progress Over the Winter Months!

Get your body and fitness back on track with our brand new Maxx Life Fitness Test!

Whether you’re returning after a break or want to gauge your current fitness level, our specially designed fitness test is perfect for everyone. 

This is your chance to assess your strengths, identify areas for improvement, and set clear, achievable goals for the winter months ahead.

A Fitness Test For You

When we think of fitness tests, we often picture athletes and sports players preparing for a new season, measuring their strength, endurance, and agility. But fitness tests aren’t just for elite performers—they’re for everyone. 

We’ve designed the Maxx Life Fitness Test specifically for non-sporting individuals who want a clear, measurable way to assess their current fitness level. 

Whether you’ve taken a break or are simply looking for a fresh start, this test gives you something tangible to focus on and improve. It’s your tool to set meaningful goals and track your progress as you rebuild your body and reclaim your fitness.

Shifting The Focus Away From Weight Loss

It’s easy to fall into the cycle of joining the gym with the sole aim of losing weight, only to get frustrated when the pounds don’t come off as quickly as expected. Many people experience this loop—joining, losing a bit, gaining it back, and then trying again. 

The winter months in Ireland can make this cycle even harder. With shorter days, longer nights, and tempting comfort foods during Halloween and Christmas, trying to shed pounds can feel nearly impossible.

Instead of focusing exclusively on weight loss, why not shift your focus to improving various aspects of your body and fitness? 

By setting goals related to strength, flexibility, endurance, and overall physical health, you can enjoy the seasonal treats while staying committed to your fitness journey. This approach not only keeps you motivated but also helps you build a stronger, more resilient body. 

When you work on these physical fitness goals, you’re laying the foundation for a healthier, leaner, and more energetic version of yourself by spring. 

Embrace the season’s challenges and focus on holistic improvement, and you’ll find that the results are well worth the effort.

How Does It All Work

The Maxx Life Fitness Test is has been created for our members who are either at beginner or intermediate level.  We’ve broken it down into four key sections with 12 individual tests, designed to give you a comprehensive overview of your overall fitness:


There are 3 cardio tests, testing your endurance and speed.  And don’t worry if you don’t do running, we have other options to suit.


There are 5 strength tests, each measuring your strength in the different areas of your body, giving you lots to focus on and improve over the coming months.


With so many people suffering from poor flexibility while continually neglecting this area of training, we have included important flexibility tests, giving you reason to shift some of your focus towards regular stretching.


Your fitness test will conclude with a measurement of balance on both sides of your body, allowing you to monitor improvements in your balance over time.

How We Conduct Your Fitness Test

Fitness tests will be conducted by a Maxx Life members of staff. 

Tests will be in groups of up to 6 people at a time.  We’ll do our best to segregate groups, keeping beginners and intermediates separate.

All tests will be recorded by each person on their own phone, using our Workout App.

Once you have the measurements of your first test on your phone, you can complete the fitness test, or even any individual section, as many times as you want over the next 6 months.  You can complete the fitness test by yourself or with your trainer, and log the results.

Track Your Physical Stats As You Go

As part of our Fitness Test Challenge, we’re giving you several 3D Body Scans, so you can track your full body composition and posture through-out your Fitness Challenge journey.

Are You Ready!

Ready to take the Maxx Life Fitness Test, and set yourself the markers to focus on and improve?

Sign Up Today

to any of the packages below.

Fitness Tests Available

From Monday 16th Sept

Fitness Test Packages


Active Members Only
£ 29 Special Offer to 15th Sept
  • 6 Months Fitness Test App Access
  • Instructor Led Fitness Test
  • 1 3D Body Scan
Offer 15th Sep


Active Members Only
£ 49 Special Offer to 15th Sept
  • 6 Months Fitness Test App Access
  • Instructor Led Fitness Test
  • 3 Months Access to our Workout App
  • 2 3D Body Scan
Offer 15th Sep


Active Members Only
£ 69 Special Offer to 15th Sept
  • 6 Months Fitness Test App Access
  • 2x Instructor Led Fitness Test
  • 6 Months Workout App Access
  • 4 3D Body Scan
Offer 15th Sep

If you have any queries at all, feel free to contact us using the link below.